The Tarot, Quick Reference Guide

On my first posting for this new blog, I mentioned that Tarot was the most used Divination card system. Therefore, for those of you who want to learn a little bit about it, I am going to include a “Quick Reference Guide” which I wrote myself in simple words that introduce or define each card. The visuals and intuitive feelings of the reader will make each card and each diverse deck your very own as you listen to your to soul and spirit. My definitions may vary from what you feel, but this is a starting point for those of you who are interested. Please leave any questions or other meanings you interpret in the comments.

Tarot Cards
  1. THE FOOL: Beginning the Path of Life or Adjusting to a New Path.
  2. MAJOR ARCANA: I. THE MAGICIAN: Magic and Manifestation.
  3. II. THE HIGH PRIESTESS: Intuitive and Spiritual.
  4. III. THE EMPRESS: Feminine Energy, Wife, Partner, Loving, Fair.
  5. IV. THE EMPEROR: Male Energy and Worldly Power.
  6. V. THE HIEROPHANT: Compassion, Little Movement, The Priest.
  7. VI. THE LOVERS: Love and Partners, Good and Bad Attractions.
  8. VII. THE CHARIOT: Movement, Success or Failure.
  9. VIII. STRENGTH: Courage, Action, Accomplishment.
  10. IX. THE HERMIT: Withdrawal, Wisdom, Reflection.
  11. X. WHEEL OF FORTUNE: Ups and Downs of Change.
  12. XI. JUSTICE: Balance and Fairness, Legal Issues.
  13. XII. THE HANGED MAN: Delay or Change of Perspective.
  14. XIII. DEATH: Transformation.
  15. XIV. TEMPERANCE: Moderation, Water Energy, Blending.
  16. XV. THE DEVIL: Temptation, Bound Sometimes by Choice.
  17. XVI. THE TOWER: Unavoidable Rapid Change, Good or Bad.
  18. XVII. THE STAR: Faith, Hope, Balance.
  19. XVIII. THE MOON: Hidden for Known or Unknown Reasons.
  20. XIX. THE SUN: Success! (Best Card in the Tarot).
  21. XX. JUDGMENT: Rebirth.
  22. XXI. THE WORLD: End Result, Completion of Cycle, Begin Anew.
  23. SUIT OF CUPS (Hearts): ACE: Overflowing Goodness, Romance.
  24. TWO OF CUPS: Love, Attraction, Partnership.
  25. THREE OF CUPS: Fulfillment and Bounty.
  26. FOUR OF CUPS: Worry, Stagnation, “Reach for the Cup!”
  27. FIVE OF CUPS: Cannot See What Remains, Depression, Loveless.
  28. SIX OF CUPS: The Past, Fond Memories, Children.
  29. SEVEN OF CUPS: Fantasy, Illusions. “They may come true!”
  30. EIGHT OF CUPS: Walking Away. “Don’t Give Up!”
  31. NINE OF CUPS: Wishes Come True!
  32. TEN OF CUPS: Happy Home and Family, Marriage, Children.
  33. PAGE OF CUPS: Helpful, Spiritual Young Person.
  34. KNIGHT OF CUPS: He/She Offers the Cup: Proposal, Invitation.
  35. QUEEN OF CUPS: Loving Wife, Mother, or Nurturing Female Energy.
  36. KING OF CUPS: Creative, Honest, Kind, Caring Male Energy.
  37. SUIT OF PENTACLES (Diamonds): ACE: Abundance, Attainment.
  38. TWO OF PENTACLES: Balance or Imbalance, Juggling, Difficult Maze.
  39. THREE OF PENTACLES: Building a Foundation, Couple, Family.
  40. FOUR OF PENTACLES: Love of Money, Hoarder.
  41. FIVE OF PENTACLES: Out in the Cold with Hope & Warmth Nearby.
  42. SIX OF PENTACLES: Business, Boss, “Hard Work Pays Off!”
  43. SEVEN OF PENTACLES: Growth from Planted Seeds, Good w/Money.
  44. EIGHT OF PENTACLES: Professional Craftsman, Pride, Ego.
  45. NINE OF PENTACLES: Grace, Dignity, Independent Female Energy.
  46. TEN OF PENTACLES: Riches and Safety for Family, Clan, Generations.
  47. PAGE OF PENTACLES: Scholarly Young Adult with New Ideas.
  48. KNIGHT OF PENTACLES: Reliable, Patient, Persistent.
  49. QUEEN OF PENTACLES: Intelligent, Generous Female Energy.
  50. KING OF PENTACLES: Leader, Mature Businessman, Driven.
  51. SUIT OF WANDS (CLUBS): ACE: Immediate Good Fortune.
  52. TWO OF WANDS: Ruler, Dominant, Achiever.
  53. THREE OF WANDS: Success, Usually in Business, Academic, Work.
  54. FOUR OF WANDS: Celebration, Wedding, Commitment, Party.
  55. FIVE OF WANDS: Struggle, Obstacles, or “Is It Mock Play?”
  56. SIX OF WANDS: Triumph, Good News, Victorious.
  57. SEVEN OF WANDS: Success, Victory, “King of the Hill”.
  58. EIGHT OF WANDS: Rapid Movement, “Winds of Change”.
  59. NINE OF WANDS: Leery of Change.
  60. TEN OF WANDS: Over-Burdened, Usually Resolved Quickly.
  61. PAGE OF WANDS: Faithful, Loyal, Honest Young Adult.
  62. KNIGHT OF WANDS: Gentleman, Father, Husband.
  63. QUEEN OF WANDS: Understanding, Sympathetic Female Energy.
  64. KING OF WANDS: Honest, Wise Male Energy.
  65. SUIT OF SWORDS (SPADES): ACE: Triumph, New Beginning, Love.
  66. TWO OF SWORDS: Stalemate, Blindfolded, Crossed Arms in Combat.
  67. THREE OF SWORDS: Broken Heart, Physical Death Near You.
  68. FOUR OF SWORDS: Rest, Respite, Pulling Away from the Battle.
  69. FIVE OF SWORDS: Conquest at What Cost? Is it dishonorable? Think it over.
  70. SIX OF SWORDS: Movement or Escape After Turmoil. Hope. Travel.
  71. SEVEN OF SWORDS: Stealthy Hope and Looking Forward.
  72. EIGHT OF SWORDS: Stuck; It May Be Self-Imposed.
  73. NINE OF SWORDS: Anxiety, Sleepless Nights, Bad Dreams.
  74. TEN OF SWORDS: Pain, Loss, Fear, “Stabbed in the Back”.
  75. PAGE OF SWORDS: Wise for “His” Age; Finds Out the Unknown.
  76. KNIGHT OF SWORDS: The Hero in Battle; “Will He Always Win? No.”
  77. QUEEN OF SWORDS: Widow, Sadness, Strength; Will She Begin Again?
  78. KING OF SWORDS: Male Energy, Mature, Analytical, Dogmatic.

–Deborah A. Bowman

Published by bowmanauthor/bowmaneditor

At this stage of my life I am a fiction author and poet, but I wear many hats! With a 30+-year history and education in editing and publishing, as well as psychology, I have introduced Clasid Consultants Publishing to help writers of all media produce a better product. I am a firm believer that the meticulous high quality of the "old-fashioned" way of publishing, which took months and even years, CAN be accomplished with the new rapidity of our techno/change-o world. All it takes is a little knowledge and keeping an eye on the ever-changing publishing market. I have reasonable fees for coaching/ghostwriting, editing/rewriting, proofreading, full publication layout-and-design, and act as a publishing advisor. My main concern is that the written material be accurate, consistent, beautiful to behold, and interesting to read. I willingly do no-charge reviews on short stories and novels, as I hope you will check out my fiction selections on and do a review for me. We all learn from each other, and our perceptions change and evolve with every life we touch. Let me know how I can assist you! I am an avid reader, musician (singer/piano/Celtic harp, guitar, sax), artist, and Advanced Clinical Psychological Hypnotherapist (A.C.P.H). I am an animal lover with a beautiful Turkish Angora Cat named Molly. I am an advocate and speaker for the Lupus Foundation (, Women's Rights, and "How Not To Be A Victim," as well as esoteric subjects dealing with hypnotherapy, psychic dreams and visions, telepathy, angels, and unexplained phenomena. Sadly, I was widowed in 2018.

6 thoughts on “The Tarot, Quick Reference Guide

    1. It will take time to build up readers, but I believe so much in the metaphysical source of the Spirit of God and his legion of angels. I felt it was time to share some factual material to support the Divinity of love, energy, the afterlife, and Universal Spirituality. The proof/answers are out there. 💖

      Liked by 1 person

  1. This subject is fascinating and frightening in equal measure. Are you best just going along oblivious to what is in store at each turn of the card….on the other hand is it best to know if today is the best day to start a project or make a change… Thank you for sharing.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Everyone has very personal feelings on the future. Astrology is a good source for Universal energies of the day, i.e., which day is better for decision-making or which day may not be the best for heartfelt communication. It is a more scientific approach. Some people fear Tarot cards as of the devil. They were originally designed to represent the Path of Life. No demonology or Divination at all. Unlike the ougie board, which I won’t touch or recommend to anyone. So glad you’re open to the possibilities of the Spiritual Soul. Everything in this blog is well researched in science, history, psychology, and is based on God’s Love, by whatever name you call Him/Her. It’s safe. Thank you so much for stopping by the site! Thank you so much for commenting! 💖


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